ITFM-Report Market Guide for IT Financial Management

DextraData recognized by Gartner in ITFM report as an Established Software Offering

Press Release | Essen, April 20th 2021

Software developer and IT consultancy DextraData has been mentioned for the second time in IT Financial Management solutions reports by analysts at Gartner. The full Gartner »Market Guide for IT Financial Management Tools«* report, including goals and implementation of an IT Financial Management initiative, can be read at

With its advanced analytics application CIO COCKPIT, DextaData has been helping Chief Information Officers to cope with the growing demands of increasingly complex IT environments since 2016. CIO COCKPIT is now the only product on the ITFM market that obtains capacity data directly and automatically from pretty much any professional enterprise IT system. This means that the actual and planned consumption of IT resources can be recorded on a daily basis and consumption can be mapped in any number of service and cost center structures. The new project planning feature also allows management to predict and calculate how much resources and capital a project will require based on actual daily real-time data.

»In 2021, we will expand the ITFM capabilities to make CIO COCKPIT the best ITFM solution on the market«, Wehler adds. Customers will be able to perform their entire IT budgeting process and controlling directly in CIO COCKPIT. For cost allocation, we will differentiate between full cost and partial cost allocation as well as scenario techniques for historical cost status and forecasting.

IT does matter

CIO COCKPIT provides Chief Information Officers - and all other IT managers - with a status quo of IT based on precisely prepared and always up-to-date company data. In addition, he can run through scenarios and thus create qualified forecasts for the future. For example, what IT capacity planning should look like in terms of growth paths and new business requirements. From this, they can derive actions, measures, decisions and investment strategies.

The CIO Cockpit not only makes the role of IT as a value-adding entity in the company more visible, but also enables it to identify the available opportunities more quickly and to exploit them in a more multi-faceted way.

More information on CIO Cockpit advanced analytics solution is available at

* Gartner Market Guide for IT Financial Management Tools, Robert Naegle, Chris Ganly, 22 March 2021
Gartner Build a Focused ITFM Cost Model and Use a Simple Allocation Approach to Deliver Rapid Value, Robert Naegle, Chris Ganly, 7 February 2020

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Gartner Market Guide for IT Financial Management Tools


About DextraData

DextraData, founded in 1995, offers data center and software solutions. The Essen-based company, with offices in Hamburg, Munich, Mannheim and Berlin, specializes in business applications and IT consulting & services as an independent software developer. DextraData sees itself as a long-term part-ner for IT decision-makers: the company not only implements IT projects in the data center environment, but also provides its clients with advice on IT organization, strategy, operation and customized solutions for digital transformation.